Monday, December 1, 2008

Useful links for beginning submitters

For friends just beginning to submit to literary journals:

1. Duotrope collects response times, submission requirements, and all that good information in one place for you.

2. Jeffrey Bahr's table ranks literary journals by how hard they are to get into. Note that this is not the same as saying how good they are, but others will generally accord more prestige to the 9s through 6/7s on this list than the 5s through 1s (in case you don't get it, due to stress over just starting to submit, the top-ranked journal, the Futility Review, is a gag).

3. Newpages gives slightly more in-depth (1-2 paragraphs) reviews of the journals. Qualitative as opposed to the quantitative approach of the previously mentioned sites.

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