Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Home Depot is (still) not Venice

See Karin Gottshall's hilarious post here first.


Unknown said...

Thanks, JeFF! These are really cool. Home Depot looks a lot closer to Venice in these than in my originals, which maybe just proves that Venice is more a state of mind more than a physical place.

I hope you'll submit a photo to it was prettier when i imagined it!

JeFF Stumpo said...

Hi, Karin!

As always, your work inspires me :-)

As I understand it, Venice is increasingly becoming a state of mind, what with rising waters and fleeing people. On the plus side: increased opportunities for SCUBA photography.

I'll definitely check out it was prettier when I imagined it. I wish my film camera hadn't inexplicably died. Will cost as much to fix as to buy a new one (Canon Rebel, cheapish SLR). Or I can save up (and up and up) and get a digital SLR and be freer with my shots. Either way, I'll use our cheapo digital and try to work into your next theme.